Hi, it’s Pat,
Allow me to say, “Good job taking this step toward a new & happier you.”
Wonderful news!
We won’t spend hours on a couch agonizing over the past. You see, I’m not a psychotherapist. I won’t take you on some epic journey into the dark recesses of your mind. None of us have time for all that.
We’ll get right to plucking at the strings that make good music. :)
Benefits you can expect when you work with me.
- Learn proven techniques for life-long growth
- Get unstuck
- Start living the life you WANT
- See progress after a few sessions
- Grow confident that you’ve got this!
- Attend sessions in the comfort of your home
Here’s how we’ll get to those benefits.
Who are you?
People spend years trekking snow-covered mountains. Climb jagged peaks and do other adrenalin pumping activities to find “who they are.” It’s unfortunate.
Do you recall Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz?
On Finding Her Heart’s Desire:
I won’t look any further than my own backyard, if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.
Happiness, fulfillment, “who we are” – all inside jobs. We can’t find any of these things outside of ourselves. A solid sense of who we are is the bedrock of self-esteem and building it is easier than you might think.
You don’t need to scale Everest to find it.
We’ll take a practical approach to discover your most coveted principles. Later, use them to bolster your self-worth. While reworking your life goals to match your fondest ideals.
Now that we’re clear about you and where you’re going, let’s kick over those obstacles.
To change, first we must see.
Bring to mind the last time you got all worked up during an argument.
Can you remember what was provoked in you that caused your response?
Don’t beat yourself up, if you can’t.
Not seeing our pitfalls is part of what snares us 😊
How would you like to kick back and see those danger zones? As if you were watching “Friday the 13th” or some other horror movie screaming at yourself, “Don’t go through that door.”
Well… get the lounge chair out, cause I’ll help you see them!
Each week we’ll practice new exercises to help you recognize and fill those dangerous holes. At least stop you from falling in by putting up some yellow caution tape.
Understanding who your are, where you want to be and crushing the obstacles in your way guarantees life-long happiness.
You stand at the precipice of self-actualizing joy, will you take the next step?
Thanks for reading this preview. While this page is focused on important practice areas, it doesn’t cover my entire program. I also include mindfulness, effective life coaching, NLP, and Cognitive Based Therapy. But my greatest value as a coach is life experience and the sincere wish to understand you and your challenges.
Let’s work together to build the amazing life that you want & deserve.
Five Stars
“Sometimes you hit a point in life where you see yourself repeating the same situation with different places and faces. Maybe you think you know the issue but need help so you don’t repeat it all over again and waste years. That was me. I reached out for help and was fortunate to connect with Patrick. A caring, attentive counselor that helped me unpack, address and verbalize what I needed to in order to begin the clarity and healing process. I had to come face to face with certain feelings and situations in my life. Patrick helped me do so with tools and guidance. I am very thankful and highly recommend Patrick.”
Be blessed on your journey.
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